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The Effects of DRG-based Financing and Hospital Performance

The purpose of the project is to analyse productivity growth in general hospitals in Norway after the introduction of Activity-based funding (ISF) in 1997. The project will also investigate whether activity-based funding is associated with lower quality of care and fløteskumming as in adjustments to the registration of patient data for higher income through the ISF.

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The Effects of DRG-based Financing and Hospital Performance
The Effects of DRG-based Financing and Hospital Performance

Effective utilization of resources, medical excellence and equal access to health care are key objectives in most health systems, also in Norway. Payment mechanisms are increasingly being used as one of several means to achieve these goals. Norway was one of the first European countries to introduce DRG-based financing of the hospitals. 15 years later there are still large gaps in our knowledge on how the system has affected the productivity, quality and access to services.

The project is connected to an established network of Nordic researchers, are integrated in a project funded through the 7th Framework Programme, and will draw on expertise and disseminate results through a broad-based international consultant group.

The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR). The project is conducted by a group of researchers from the Department of Community Medicine at NTNU (the University of Trondheim), Frisch Centre and the Group for Health Services Research at SINTEF Technology and Society. Group for Health Services Research at SINTEF will be responsible for obtaining and organizing data for analysis.



  • Professor Dr. Polit. Jon Magnussen, Department of Public Health and General Practice, NTNU (Project)
  • Senior Scientist Dr. Polit. Sverre Kittelsen, Frisch Centre
  • Professor Dr. Philos. Find Førsund R, Frisch Centre and University of Oslo
  • Fellow Ingrid Huitfeld, Frisch Centre and University of Oslo
  • Fellow Kjartan Anthun, SINTEF and NTNU
  • Senior Scientist / Post doc Dr. Polit. Jorid Kalseth, SINTEF and NTNU

Advisory Group:

  • Assistant Professor Clas Rehnberg, Medical Management Institute at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
  • Research Professor Unto Häkkinen, Centre for Health Economics at THL, Finland
  • Professor Andrew Street, University of York, England
  • Professor Pedro Pita Barros, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Professor Pablo Arocena Garro, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
  • Professor Ole Olesen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Key Factors

Project duration

01/08/2012 - 31/12/2015