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ElDeK - Electricity Demand Knowledge

The main objective of the project is to increase the knowledge concerning the electricity demand for end-users such as household customers. This includes knowledge concerning both the total energy demand [kWh] and power demand [kWh/h] for the customer type and different end-uses.

The increased knowledge will be achieved through establishing mathematical and statistical methods for calculating both the total electricity demand (bottom-up) and the specific electricity demand for different end-uses (top-down) based on limited metered data.


Technical reports

Electricity end-use consumption focusing on lighting in Norwegian household. IFE/KR/F-2012/001, Eva Rosenberg (IFE), februar 2012
State of the art. Projects for estimating the electricity end-use demand. TR A6999. Hanne Sæle, Eva Rosenberg (IFE), Nicolai Feilberg, SINTEF Energy Research, September 2010

Other reports

Strømforbruk i norske husholdninger, prosjektoppgave, Hans Magnus Kure, Høsten 2011, NTNU Institutt for elkraftteknikk



End-use demand at Norwegian household customers, Hanne Sæle, Nicolai Feilberg, EEDAL'11, København, 24.-26. Mai 2011
Strømforbruk i husholdningene, Xergi, desember 2010
Nettselskaper - ta kontakt!, Xergi, desember 2010
Inviterer kundene til forskningsprosjekt, Fosna-Folket, 22. april 2010
Skal forske på elforbruket hos kunder med timemåling, Hanne Sæle, Energiteknikk nr. 9 - nov. 2009


Other documents/web-pages of relevance

    • Project "Market Based Demand Response", (2005-2008)

The project is a part of the RENERGI/ENERGIX program at the Norwegian Research Council.


Key Factors

Project duration

2009 - 2013