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FA 2.3 Production of high quality manufactured aggregate for concrete

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Develop a technology platform for production, mix design and use of manufactured aggregate giving concrete properties equal or better than concrete with natural sand

Project manager: Børge J. Wigum
Disciplinary responsible:          Professor Stefan Jacobsen
PhD: Rolands Cepuritis
International advisor: Olafur Wallevik, ICI, Iceland

The world's resources of natural aggregates are getting scarcer. The project aimed therefore to produce crushed aggregates with optimal properties for concrete. Main areas of interests was:

  • geological origin
  • production
  • optimal grading curves – no waste materials
  • handling
  • characterization methods
  • economy

Main topics

Improving the quality of crushed fine aggregates

One conclusion from the work is that the finest part of the crushed sand should get most of the further research attention. One of the main research directions, with a direct link to industry and society, would then be to develop a crushing and processing technique that would allow improving the quality of crushed fine aggregates. This was addressed by studying how the crushing process parameters, influence the fresh state properties (rheology) of concrete. The results revealed the principal differences between different types of crushers used, and it was mapped out some crushing parameters that can have crucial effect on the fresh concrete rheology. The work constitutes the basis for guides to crusher producers and processing.

Summary report