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Offshore Low-trophic Aquaculture in Multi-Use scenario Realisation

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

OLAMUR will bring together state-of-the-art practices in multi-use low trophic aquaculture (MU-LTA) in both low and high salinity offshore waters with key industry partners. The project will achieve at least TRL7 and paving the way for a low- impact and low-carbon seafood industry.

OLAMUR will result in far-reaching progress to provide a framework for fair, healthy, safe, climate – and environmentally friendly offshore low-trophic aquaculture within multi-use systems, contributing to feed and food security in Europe and globally. The project is transdisciplinary with a team including partners from industry, SME, NGOs, universities, and research institutes.


  1. Establish 3 pilot demonstration sights (See photo) to farm seaweed integrated with an offshore wind farm (OWF).
  2. Identify locations for multi-purpose uses of the marine space that can support future development of low-impact and low-carbon uses in the North and Baltic Seas.
  3. Assess suitability of locations for the industrial production of low trophic species of economic interest in the North and Baltic Seas.
  4. Develop a robotics model-based monitoring, forecasting and assessment capacity for enabling corresponding services for aquafarms and decision makers.
  5. Develop a data-based management support system for monitoring and data analysis for aquaculture including risk analysis to producers.
  6. Perform a life cycle assessment to ensure economic viability for all actors involved in the value chain and document the circularity of resource management.
  7. Co-create holistic multi-level governance solutions for innovations in offshore seaweed and shellfish farming in the three pilot sites.

Photo: Institute of Marine Research
Photo: Institute of Marine Research

The project is split into 7 technical working packages. SINTEF Ocean leads WP7 on 'Governance of integrated socio-ecological-technical system'. SINTEF Ocean will integrate regulatory frameworks and policies for promoting and supporting maritime co-use of space.

Key Factors

Project duration

2022 - 2026


€ 8 200 000
OLAMUR is funded by EU's HorizonEurope


25 partners in total
Consortium lead: Havforskningsinstituttet