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Digital Class – Method for experiment-based digital product innovation

Norway has a strong maritime industry based on deep technical knowledge, exceptional quality, strong customer connections and efficient work processes. Over the last few years, the maritime industry is looking to boost its profitability and explore new business models through digitalization. And companies are increasingly recognizing the need to overcome data quality issues and manage the ownership, security, sharing and use of data.

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DNV GL is the world’s leading classification society and a recognized advisor for the maritime industry. As an independent technical assurance and classification/verification company, DNV GL already manages an enormous amount of asset and industry data on behalf of many different maritime stakeholders.

This project aims to explore the potential opportunities from the greater use of this data and realize key innovations to create a new, world-leading Digital Class platform for the maritime industry. This will be done in close cooperation with ship owners/managers and equipment manufacturers. By using the data generated from ships and machinery, today's prescriptive, calendar-based inspection regime can be made more efficient through the use of more risk-based, targeted and data-driven inspections.

In addition, providing operators and owners greater access to data and data analytics can provide deeper insights into the technical status of both individual vessels and entire fleets as well as the equipment onboard, all of which can contribute to making ship operations safer, smarter and greener.

The project results can be found here:

Key Factors

Project duration

2020 - 2024

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