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Conserve & Consume

Redesigning sustainable consumption

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How can we transform sustainable service models from being niche phenomena to reach the mass market?

This ambitious goal, and the growth of the sharing economy in general, has motivated this project. We want to contribute to the understanding of how innovative technologies and business models can facilitate sharing, lending, and reuse of product without sacrificing user experience and efficiency.

Two main findings from a survey and analyses of customer journeys have guided the development in the project.

  1. While users find environmental aspects to be of high importance, such attitudes do not result in behavior change unless the service is as efficient and attractive as traditional, non-sustainable services.
  2. The transaction phase, which include the transfer of physical objects, services and payment, is a greater barrier for behavior change than expected.

This has implications for redistribution services and product-service-systems.

The following businesses are partners in the project: Schibsted Growth, Greenphones and SoBo Community. SINTEF Digital, University of Oslo, and Bengler are the research partners.

The insight from the R&D work is continuously transformed into incremental improvements in the project partners' business models and customer journeys.

The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Key Factors

Project duration

2014 - 2018

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