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IoE - Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility

Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility project (IoE) project supported the development of the future electric grid by using data communication to move electricity more efficiently, reliably, and affordably and the development of the future Internet by using the electric grid to facilitate and speed up the communication amongst the various energy nodes and domains. The project developed an architecture and distributed embedded systems to implement the real-time interface between the smart energy grid (infrastructure) and IoT devices and loads in large numbers at the edge (users).

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The IoE project developed hardware, software and middleware for seamless, secure connectivity and interoperability by connecting the Internet with energy grids to create an electric mobility infrastructure. The project addressed reference designs and embedded systems architectures for highly efficient, innovative smart network systems regarding compatibility, networking, security, robustness, diagnosis, maintenance, integrated resource management, and self-organisation requirements.

The progress beyond the state-of-the-art addresses the development of standardised, embedded solutions for building energy management gateways using different communication protocols that communicate with various electric mobility actors and facilitate secure identification and transaction processing.  

The IoE project developed a new generation of compact devices for specific metering and bi-directional energy exchange between vehicles and infrastructure. The project included and addressed specific protection mechanisms, load detection systems, user identification, vehicle-to-grid optimal communications protocol, application of new media for user-friendly access to electric vehicle-related information, and physical media standardization.

An IoE interoperable platform was developed to ensure the data flow between the IoE system nodes and a database system. The information was represented as an interactive web page (HTML-based) with maps and graphics. OCPP interoperability was implemented to transfer the electric data from charging points and gather it by a processing server. 

Key Factors

Project duration

2011 - 2014


EU FP7 ARTEMIS. Specific Programme "Cooperation": Joint Technology Initiatives

Project type


IoE project official website

Project coordinator


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