TRISTAN VII in Tromsø, Norway June 20-25, 2010


Seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis


List of participants
Below you find the list of TRISTAN VII participants. Let us know if there are errors.

Surname First name Affiliation Country
Acuna Agost Rodrigo Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse France
Afsar Murat University of Technology of Troyes France
Agatz Niels Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Agra Agostinho University of Aveiro Portugal
Alvarez J Fernando Det Norske Veritas AS Norway
Andersson Henrik Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Angelelli Enrico University of Brescia Italy
Anghinolfi Davide University of Genova Italy
Anily Shoshana Tel-Aviv University Israel
Antunes Antonio University of Coimbra Portugal
Archetti Claudia University of Brescia Italy
Armentano Vinícius Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazil
Asbjørnslett Bjørn Egil Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Bagherpour Matin Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Ball Michael University of Maryland USA
Balland Océane Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Barcelo Jaume Technical University of Catalonia Spain
Benavent Enrique Universitat de València Spain
Ben-Elia Eran Utrecht University UK
Bertazzi Luca University of Calabria Italy
Bianchessi Nicola University of Brescia Italy
Bianco Lucio Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata” Italy
Bierlaire Michel École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
Boudia Mourad Amadeus S.A.S., Sophia Antipolis France
Boyles Stephen University of Wyoming USA
Bruno Giuseppe University of Naples “Federico II” Italy
Bräysy Olli University of Jyväskylä Finland
Buer Tobias University of Hagen Germany
Busschaert Sylvie University of Antwerp Belgium
Carrese Stefano Roma Tre University Italy
Casier Aurélie Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium
Castelli Lorenzo Università degli Studi di Trieste Italy
Charle Wouter Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium
Chow Ying Jun University of California, Irvine USA
Christiansen Marielle Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Colombaroni Chiara Sapienza University of Rome Italy
Contreras Ivan HEC Montréal Canada
Corberan Angel University of Valencia Spain
Cordeau Jean-Francois HEC Montréal Canada
Correia Gonçalo University of Coimbra Portugal
Corthout Ruben Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium
Crainic Teodor Gabriel CIRRELT and Université du Quebec à Montréal Canada
Cunha Maria University of Coimbra Portugal
Dejax Pierre Ecole des Mines de Nantes France
Delgado Alexandrino University of Cape Verde Portugal
Delgado Felipe Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
Delle Site Paolo University of Rome “La Sapienza” Italy
Desaulniers Guy Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal Canada
Desrosiers Jacques HEC Montréal and GERAD Canada
Di Francesco Massimo University of Cagliari Italy
Dollevoet Twan Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Du Yuchuan Tongji University UK
Dubedout Hugues Claude Delorme Research Center, Air Liquide France
Dullaert Wout Antwerp University Belgium
Dussault Benjamin University of Maryland USA
Eglese Richard Lancaster University UK
Ehmke Jan Fabian University of Braunschweig Germany
Ekström Joakim Linköping University Sweden
Ergun Özlem Georgia Institute of Technology USA
Erikstad Stein Ove Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Errico Fausto CIRRELT and Université du Quebec à Montréal Canada
Fagerholt Kjetil Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Fan Yueyue University of California, Davis USA
Feillet Dominique École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, Gardanne France
Fernandez Elena Technical University of Catalonia Spain
Figliozzi Miguel Portland State University USA
Flatberg Truls SINTEF Technology and Society Norway
Flötteröd Gunnar École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
Fukuda Daisuke Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan
Fusco Gaetano Sapienza University of Rome Italy
Gambardella Luca Maria Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale, Manno-Lugano Switzerland
Gao Song University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
Gawel Przemyslaw Poznan Univesity of Technology Poland
Gendreau Michel CIRRELT and Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal Canada
Gendron Bernard CIRRELT and DIRO, Université de Montréal Canada
Ghiani Gianpaolo University of Salento Italy
Giesen Ricardo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
Giordani Stefano Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata” Italy
Goel Asvin University of Leipzig Germany
Goel Vikas ExxonMobil, Houston USA
Goerigk Marc Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Germany
Golden Bruce University of Maryland USA
Gouveia Luis University of Lisbon Portugal
Greaves Stephen University of Sydney Australia
Gribkovskaia Irina Molde University College Norway
Günther Elisabeth Technische Universität Berlin Germany
Halskau Øyvind Molde University College Norway
Halvorsen-Weare Elin Espeland Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Hamdouch Younes United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain United Arab Emirates
Hansen Jesper Morelli   Denmark
Hara Yusuke The University of Tokyo Japan
Harks Tobias Technische Universität Berlin Germany
Hartl Richard University of Vienna Austria
Hasle Geir SINTEF ICT Norway
Hasle Hagelund Ingvild   Norway
Hasle Hagelund Mari    Norway
Hemmelmayr Vera University of Vienna Austria
Hernandez Florent Cemagref UMR ITAP, Montpellier France
Hewitt Mike Rochester Institute of Technology USA
Hoff Arild Molde University College Norway
Holguin-Veras Jose Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York USA
Huart Alexandre LAMIH, University of Valenciennes France
Huguet Marie-José Université de Toulouse France
Huibregtse Olga Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
Huisman Dennis Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Hvattum Lars Magnus Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Iori Manuel Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Italy
Irnich Stefan Johannes Gutenberg University Germany
Jaillet Patrick Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems & Operations Research Center, Massachusetts USA
Jin Jianyong Molde University College Norway
Jozefowiez Nicolas INSA Université de Toulouse France
Kaspi Mor Tel Aviv University Israel
Keha Ahmet Arizona State University USA
Khoshyaran Megan Economics Traffic Clinic (ETC), Paris France
Kilby Philip NICTA and Australian National University Australia
Klabjan Diego Northwestern University, Evanston USA
Kleywegt Anton Georgia Institute of Technology USA
Kloster Oddvar SINTEF ICT Norway
Knoop Victor Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
Kopfer Herbert University of Bremen Germany
Kuehne Reinhart German Aerospace Center Germany
Kuhn Kenneth The University of Canterbury New Zealand
Kusakabe Takahiko Kobe University Japan
Labbé Martine Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium
Lamiri Mehdi EURODECISION, Versailles Cedex France
Lannez Sebastien Université de Toulouse France
Laporte Gilbert CIRRELT and HEC Montréal Canada
Lawphongpanich Siriphong University of Florida USA
Lebacque Jean-Patrick GRETIA-INRETS, Paris France
Leonhardt Axel Technische Universität München Germany
Leung Janny The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Louis Xavier GRETIA-INRETS, Paris France
Lu Xin Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Lübbecke Marco Technische Universität Berlin Germany
Løfstedt Berit Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Løkketangen Arne Molde University College Norway
Madsen Oli B.G. Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Maher Mike University of Leeds UK
Mahmassani Hani Northwestern University, Evanston USA
Mancini Simona Politecnico di Torino Italy
Manni Emanuele University of Salento Italy
Marcotte Patrice Université de Montréal Canada
Maroti Gabor Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Mattfeld Dirk University of Braunschweig Germany
Meisel Stephan University of Braunschweig Germany
Meng Qiang National University of Singapore Singapore
Mirchandani Pitu Arizona State University USA
Mourão M Cândida Technical University of Lisbon Portugal
Munshi Talat CEPT University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad India
Mussone Lorenzo Politecnico di Milano Italy
Möhring Rolf Technische Universität Berlin Germany
Nagel Andrea University of Hagen Germany
Ngueveu Sandra Ulrich University of Technology of Troyes France
Nielsen Lars Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Nigro Marialisa Università  Roma Tre Italy
Nolz Pamela University of Vienna Austria
Nowak Maciek Loyola University, Chicago USA
Nowak Matthias Peter MARINTEK, Trondheim Norway
Nygreen Bjørn Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Odoni Amedeo Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Osorio Carolina Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
Ozdemir Emrah Roketsan Roket Sanayii, Ankara Turkey
Pacciarelli Dario Università  Roma Tre Italy
Parragh Sophie University of Vienna Austria
Patriksson Michael Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg Sweden
Pel Adam Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
Perea Federico University of Zaragoza Spain
Petersen Bjørn Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Petersen Hanne Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Pinto Leonor Santiago Technical University of Lisbon Portugal
Pita Joao University of Coimbra Portugal
Pohlmann Tobias Technische Universität Braunschweig Germany
Potthoff Daniel Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Pyrgiotis Nikolas Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Qureshi Ali Gul Kyoto University Japan
Raith Andrea The University of Auckland New Zealand
Rakke Jørgen G. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Raviv Tal Tel Aviv University Israel
Razo Michael University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
Rei Walter CIRRELT and Université du Quebec à Montréal Canada
Repolho Hugo University of Coimbra Portugal
Repoussis Panagiotis Athens University of Economics & Business Greece
Ricciardi Nicoletta Sapienza Università di Roma Italy
Righini Giovanni Università degli Studi di Milano Italy
Roberti Roberto University of Bologna Italy
Rossi Riccardo University of Padova Italy
Rydergren Clas Linköping University Sweden
Römer Michael Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Germany
Rönnberg Elina Linköping University Sweden
Raa Birger Ghent University Belgium
Saez Doris Universidad de Chile Chile
Salazar González Juan José University of La Laguna, Tenerife Spain
Saldanha-da-Gama Francisco Universidade de Lisboa Portugal
Santos Miguel University of Coimbra Portugal
Schilde Michael University of Vienna Austria
Schmidt Marie University of Göttingen Germany
Schneider Michael University of Kaiserslautern Germany
Schnetzler Bernard GRETIA-INRETS, Paris France
Schreiter Thomas Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
Schulz Christian SINTEF ICT Norway
Schwind Michael Goethe University Frankfurt Germany
Schöbel Anita University of Göttingen Germany
Semet Frederic LAGIS, Ecole Centrale de Lille France
Sevaux Marc Université Bretagne-Sud France
Sforza Antonio University of Naples “Federico II” Italy
Simonelli Fulvio Università di Napoli “Federico II” Italy
Siri Silvia University of Genova Italy
Smilowitz Karen Northwestern University, Evanston USA
Smith Laurence (Doug) University of Missouri-St. Louis USA
Solem Siri Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Solomon Marius Northeastern University, Huntington Avenue, Boston USA
Soumis François École Polytechnique de Montréal and GERAD Canada
Speranza Maria Grazia University of Brescia Italy
Spliet Remy Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Spoorendonk Simon Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Sterle Claudio University of Naples “Federico II” Italy
Stålhane Magnus Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Sun Wei Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Sural Haldun Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey
Sörensen Kenneth University of Antwerp Belgium
Tampere Chris Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium
Taniguchi Eiichi Kyoto University Japan
Tarantilis Christos Athens University of Economics & Business Greece
Thomas Tom University of Twente The Netherlands
Tirado Dominguez Gregorio University Complutense of Madrid Spain
Toth Paolo University of Bologna Italy
Tricoire Fabien University of Vienna Austria
Tsakonas Athanasios University of the Aegean Greece
Tsilingiris Panagiotis Det Norske Veritas Research & Innovation, Piraeus Greece
Tuzun Dilek Yeditepe University, Kadiköy, Istanbul Turkey
Tzur Michal Tel Aviv University Israel
Ukkusuri Satish Purdue University, West Lafayette USA
Vacca Ilaria École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
Van Lint Hans Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
Vansteenwegen Pieter Universiteit Leuven Belgium
Vaze Vikrant Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Veelenturf Lucas Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands
Verden Andrew NICTA Australia
Vindigni Michele University of Brescia Italy
Vinti Cinzia University of Naples “Federico II” Italy
Violin Alessia Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium
Vitillo Roberta Università di Napoli “Federico II” Italy
Voss Stefan University of Hamburg Germany
Wallace Stein W Lancaster University Management School UK
Wen Min Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Werner Adrian SINTEF Technology and Society Norway
Wismans Luc University of Twente The Netherlands
Wynter Laura IBM Research, New York USA
Yang Hong Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA
Zhu Wenting Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway

Published June 25, 2010

Contact: , Chair of the Organizing Committee            SINTEF - Scandinavia's largest contract research institute