
MRST is provided as open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public (GPL) license. This means that the software is provided on an as-is basis with no warranties or implied user support. We try to answer technical questions as quick as possible and are grateful if you send us bug reports, feature requests, and suggestions for improvements. However, note that priority will be given to our clients and research collaborators.

Technical questions

For technical questions about MRST, bug reports, feature requests, or inclusion of third-party modules, please contact us at either:

  1. E-mail: The MRST forum using (publicly viewable) or at  (private, goes to SINTEF staff) or through th. Posting to the forum should be the default choice as it reaches everyone who works on MRST.
  2. Direct contact: It is also possible to contact the developers individually, preferably one of our release managers.
    1. Olav Møyner, e-mail:
    2. Bård Skaflestad, e-mail:
  3. Using the issue trackers at the MRST online repositories if you have encountered bugs or other technical issues.

Note, however, that we prefer inquiries to be sent to the MRST forum to make it easier for us to delegate the question to the right person. Queries sent separately to many developers are likely to be ignored.

Collaboration and new functionality in MRST

SINTEF typically develops new modules and new functionality in MRST through contract research, either in the form of industry projects or projects with co-funding from the Research Council of Norway.  MRST can also be offered under alternative licensing models for users who want more comprehensive user support, e.g., with a guaranteed response time.

For requests for new functionality/modules, questions about research collaboration, or alternative licencing that include support, please contact


A list of the core developers at SINTEF Digital can be found here.

Published April 19, 2013