Centre for Research based Innovation

The Minister of Education and Research, Øystein Djupedal, presented on friday 16. june the fourteenth new research centre. Photo: Arne Langleite
The Picture is from the The Research Council of Norways website

In June 2006 the 14 first centres for research based innovation were selected by the Research council of Norway (link til NFRs SFI sider). One of these was INGPRO, a CRI for Innovative Natural Gas Processes and Products. INGPRO is headed by prof. Unni Olsbye, UiO, and the CATMAT collaboration has a prominent role in the proposal, now granted.

CRI partners:

The INGPRO centre will become operative as of January 1st 2007.

Vision and main objective
A universal challenge is to meet the increasing demand for energy and consumables with concepts leading to minimized emissions of green-house gases and other pollutants. Petroleum is the worldwide dominating source of energy and bulk chemicals and will remain so in the foreseeable future. The Centre for Innovative Natural Gas Processes and Products (INGPRO) has the objective to secure and enhance Norway’s position as a leading provider of environmentally-friendly processes and products based on natural gas. The CRI vision is:

Value creation in natural-gas processes through rational design of processes and products based
on atomistic and mechanistic insight in catalyst and reactor parameters under operative

Objectives >>>

Published June 22, 2006